As a property owner, you receive your Notice of Appraised Value in the mail in early April. Increased home prices can have a definite impact on your property taxes, but if your taxes have increased considerably there are ways to challenge the increase! We've put together the information you need to assess and protest your taxes.

Understanding Your Property Tax:

Your property taxes are calculated as follows:

Property tax amount =  (tax rate) x ( taxable value of property )  /  $100

Protesting Your Property Tax:

In addition to ensuring that the assessor’s office has the description of your house correct, one of the most significant factors affecting the value is the appraised value of comparable properties around you. Your realtor can compile a list of comparable properties.

Helpful evidence in the protest process:

-Sales of comparable properties within the same or similar location

-Repair cost estimates and photo documentation for repairs needed

-Receipts of repairs made in the previous year

-You will receive a notice of protest hearing by mail at least 15 days before the scheduled hearing date. Hearings are typically scheduled between April and July.


  • Express Inquiry: If you have purchased your property between January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, this option allows you to settle property value concerns via email and bypass the formal protest process.

Deadline: Typically in May

Details and inquiry form: Express Review for New Property Purchases

Deadline: Typically in May

Details and protest filing: Online Protest Filing


Deadline: Typically in May

Details and protest filing: Online Protest Filing


Hiring Tax Consultants

You can also hire property tax consultants who will review your appraised value, file the protest, and attend the hearing on your behalf.

Example: Texas Protax: Property Tax Consultants In Texas

For more information or questions about neighborhood comps or resources in your area, contact your local realtor.


Filing for an Exemption

You may be eligible for a total or partial property tax exemption. There are exemptions for qualifying homesteads, disabled homeowners over 65, disabled veterans, and others.